Press Releases and Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing continues to gain attention and momentum among both large and small organizations. While some would say it took too long to get to this point, it is nevertheless refreshing to celebrate the growing popularity of marketing processes that truly emphasize the customer instead of the marketer. Press releases are among the chief examples of what has changed in the world of internet content as a result of inbound marketing strategies.

Content writing has also changed for other key inbound marketing services — case studies, extended articles, white papers and content research are four primary illustrations. Such changes are not always noticed and adopted quickly by business owners and managers. This resistance to change seems especially noticeable with press releases.

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Here is a SlideShare presentation that focuses on business writing strategies involving case studies:

For a comprehensive overview of press releases, please refer to The Art and Science of Writing Press Releases. This one-page summary includes the following:

  • 10 Suggested Press Release “Rules”
  • Link to a Press Release Example That Follows the 10 Rules
  • 8 Common Reasons Why Organizations Overlook Business Writing
  • 8 Business Writing Questions That Need to Be Asked

The “Lessons to Be Learned” about press releases and inbound marketing are likely to help with all forms of content writing and business communication. For example, the press release referred to in the above list includes nine common business writing mistakes that can be reduced or avoided by paying more attention to effective content research and writing practices.